Book Blogger Love-A-Thon: The Questionnaire

Book Blogger Love A Thon 2015

I only found out about this recently and rushed to join in! The Book Blogger Love-a-Thon is hosted by Alexa Loves Books and the first post is a questionnaire so readers can get to know me a little better.

What’s your name? 

Rachel, but people always call me Rach.

Where in the world are you blogging from?

Ireland. Specifically Northern Ireland.

How did you get into blogging in the first place?

I followed beauty blogs when I was about 18, then my sister started one about 2 years ago for her Interior Design interests. I stumbled upon Book Blogs like The Perpetual Page Turner and The Librarian Who Doesn’t Say Shhh! and my sister convinced me to start one. I didn’t know if it would stick, but it’s nearly been a year, and here I am!

How did you come up with your blog name?

I love the idea of Confessions, and I’m regularly called a “geek” (as a term of endearment, I’m sure), I threw it together, et voilà!

What genre do you read and review the most on your blog?

I really do read a little of everything. When I ran out of reading material as a kid I used to read the instructions and ingredients on beauty products and other things lying around. I wish I was kidding. I think the genres I read the most though are YA Contemporaries and I’ve really gotten into Fantasy in 2014.

What other types of posts do you do on your blog, apart from reviews?

I do Top Ten Tuesday posts, posts about Bookish Deals and Discounts I stumble across (because I LOVE a bargain!), monthly Stacking the Shelves posts where I also combine a monthly wrap-up, and when I’m lucky I get to do Author Interviews or host Guest Posts. I also do Awards, Tags and Surveys from time-to-time and host Giveaways.

I created a feature called Bloggy Love where I talk about others I follow, created (S)he Said with Joey where a male and female blogger come together to discuss bookish related topics with two gender perspectives, and my most recent collaboration is Babes with Books where myself, Brandie and Stef do joint, conversational reviews about books we’ve read together. Phew!

Best blogging experience so far?

There have been so, so many. Reaching 500 subscribers this month was amazing, and so was getting to interview one of my favourite authors, Diane Chamberlain.

Favorite thing about the blogging community?

The people. Without a doubt. I’ve been doing this for almost a year, and the community is so supportive, welcoming and friendly. In the past couple of months I’ve felt “real-life” friendships developing with some bloggers too, and that’s been pretty awesome.

Name the 5 books you’re most excited for this 2015!

Off the top of my head – Confess by Colleen Hoover, Never Never Part 2 (and 3 if it’s out this year) by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher, A Court of Thorns and Roses and Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas, and I’ve seen so many good reviews for I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios that I’m pretty excited for it too.

What’s an underrated book or series that you think everyone should read?

If you love YA contemporaries I’d definitely recommend How (Not) To Fall in Love, Adult fiction weepies go for Before I Go, for some non-fiction to make you think try Bad Feminist and for a New Adult read Come Back To Me.

Which book boy or girl would be your book BFF?

Hermione Granger

Apart from reading, what are your other hobbies or interests?

Blogging, movies and TV shows are up there. I love going out with my friends too on nights out. And as boring as it sounds, a “hobby” of mine is self-development – I love doing different courses and gaining qualifications, I’m a bit of a career-person.

Apart from book shopping, what else do you like shopping for?

I’m not fussy, I just like shopping! Household items, clothes, stationary… the list is endless.

At a party, the DJ suddenly changes the song – and it’s your song. What song would be playing?

There are SO many. As of right now, it’s this:

this is my song

Pick out either a book you want turned into a film/TV show, or a film/TV show you want turned into a book.

 I’d LOVE for the Throne of Glass series to be developed into a movie or a TV show, but they’d have to get it right!

Are you taking part in the Book Blogger Love-A-Thon? Link me up to your questionnaire in the comments!

About Rachel

Avid reader & #bookblogger. Lover of all things business. A fan of drinks & dancing. Ever optimistic. Feminist.

23 Responses

  1. jessicarainbowinspiration

    Glad you could make it for #LoveAThon! I would love for Hermione to be my BFF too! She’s appearing in so many lists, yea? 🙂 I’ve been dying to read Bad Feminist but my library doesn’t have it even after I made a purchase request 😦 I’ll probably purchase the book soon.


      1. jessicarainbowinspiration

        🙂 Any other feminism-/gender relations-related book to recommend? I’ve really been interested in this kind of books recently.


  2. I used to read the instructions and ingredients in beauty products too! Trying to sound out the long chemical names was a lot of fun. Then I took chemistry in high school, and those long chemical names seemed less daunting…


  3. Hi, hope you’re enjoying #LoveAThon as much as me. It’s been great to hear more about you. My fav thing about blogging is the same as yours – the people.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


  4. Great questionnaire! I’ve been seeing a lot of these today and it’s made me sure that I need to take part in this myself, it sounds like such a positive a-thon to take part in. I read Never Never and am desperate for book two, that book has me so confused!!! I really enjoyed book 1 but it left me confused and not sure whether I love it or not. I need to know more, especially how they lost their memories because if it doesn’t make sense, then it will ruin it for me.


  5. AM I ALLOWED TO FANGIRL FOR A SEC THAT YOU ARE FROM IRELAND? I seriously have wanted to visit Ireland since I was a freshman in high school, and obsessed with Westlife… (Still obsessed with Westlife, by the way.) Ahem. Anyway, I also love, love, love that you are a fan of the Throne of Glass series! Anyone who loves that series is a friend to me 🙂

    Thanks for joining the Love-a-Thon!


  6. Dude. Throne of Glass would be an amazing TV show if they could do it right. I would like it as a movie, but they’d have to cut out way too much. With a TV show, they could put everything in. Hopefully.


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