
2015-Discussion-ChallengeHey, Book Geeks! I wanted to do a quick post today to talk about a new hashtag that has been sweeping across Twitter, and that is #booksfortrade. I’m not sure how this started, but it seems to have taken off and is doing really well, especially among Book Bloggers who are always coming down with tons of books they may no longer want to keep, or are no longer interested in reading.

Unfortunately, #booksfortrade seems to have mostly US participants, and the costs of shipping can mean that trading books from the UK isn’t cost effective. I propose we start #booksfortradeUK! I did tweet about this a while ago, but I was really busy at the time and hadn’t done a cull of my collection with pictures (I will do that this weekend!).

I’ve swapped books with, and gifted to, Book Bloggers that I’ve known online for a while, but I’ve never traded with a stranger! It’s likely we would all be more comfortable trading with bloggers we are already familiar with, so it’s a great idea for us to get the ball rolling. (I’d like to think no one would set up a trade and then fail to follow through, but it probably has happened!).

I’m putting it out there for all of you UK bloggers (and readers!), let’s get #booksfortradeUK going!

About Rachel

Avid reader & #bookblogger. Lover of all things business. A fan of drinks & dancing. Ever optimistic. Feminist.

9 Responses

  1. I think this is a great idea. I had heard about the tag blowing up on twitter, but it’s all US based there was never any hope for me being able to trade books. I hope more people are up for getting a UK one going because it really would be a great way to get a few more books on my shelves whilst also clearing out some of my older books.


      1. I know, that is very true 🙂 But now I want more people to do the same. I have the same problem, by TBR pile is pretty insane, but I like to think I’ll get to them eventually. Or I’ll get rid of them, one or the other.


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