Top Ten Tuesday – Characters I’d Love To Check In With!

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Characters I’d Love To Check In With

I always want to reread books, and yet I rarely do. Sometimes rereading books feels like catching up with old friends, and sometimes you wish you could get a “10 years later” peek into the lives of your favourite characters. Here are ten I’d love to check in with…

Harry Potter Friendship Gif

1. Harry, Ron and Hermione from Harry PotterThis one’s obvious, right? In fact, I wouldn’t mind catching up with any and all of the characters from this world. Please, JK, give the people what they want!

2. Ellie, Magda and Nadine from the Girls series by Jacqueline Wilson: Wilson typically writes Middle Grade novels, though Girls was a little more YA. I would love to catch up with these girls when they’re in their late teens or twenties. I wait in hope for Wilson to branch out…

Alba DeTamble Gif

3. Henry, Claire and Alba De Tamble from The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffeneger: I’ve mentioned this once before, but how amazing would it be to catch up with Alba De Tamble in a sequel to The Time Traveller’s Wife? Especially if Henry made an appearance!

4. Amy and Nick Dunne from Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn: I’m not 100% sure if I would want to catch up with these guys or not. Perhaps a short novella of craziness would be enough.

5. Jack and Ma from Room by Emma Donoghue: I think it would be massively interesting to see the impact that Jack’s far-from-normal upbringing had on his later years. //Review of Room//

6. Ridge and Sydney from Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover: I love Colleen Hoover’s books (in case I’ve never mentioned it before *sarcasm*) and I’d love to check in with these guys a few years from now to see what’s happening with them! //Review of Maybe Someday//

7. Clary, Jace, Simon et, al from The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare: When I finished City of Heavenly Fire I was dreading saying goodbye to these characters. We’re left with hope that they’ll reappear in future series, and I really hope they do! //Review of TMI//

8. Lena and Alex from the Delirium series by Lauren Oliver: I really enjoyed this series, although the ending leaves much to be desired. I’d love to check in with these characters just so Oliver can give me a proper ending, and a proper conclusion! //Review of Delirium//

Which characters made your list today? Who would you like to check in with? Let me know in the comments! 

About Rachel

Avid reader & #bookblogger. Lover of all things business. A fan of drinks & dancing. Ever optimistic. Feminist.

11 Responses

  1. Kathy

    Henry De Tamble made my list as well. That is one of my favorite all time books, and I can only imagine the sequel with Alba and Henry time traveling together. Amazing!


  2. Maggie

    I picked the couple from Gone Girl as well; their twisted ‘love’ story needs a follow-up! A bunch of people participating in TTT this week chose the Dunnes too I’ve noticed! Happy reading! 🙂


  3. Brandie

    You know I’d love to check in with Ridge and Sydney. Hell, I want to check in with all of CoHo’s characters. YES to TTTW! Loved that one. I love that you put Gone Girl on the list. I disliked that book, but I would love a follow up just to see what happened with them.

    Somehow I just knew HP would top your list. 😉


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