Top Ten Tuesday – Books From My Childhood I’d Love to Revisit

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Books From My Childhood I’d Love To Revisit

I constantly struggle with the urge to reread – I want to do it SO much more than I do, but with so many new reads building up on my TBR, I rarely get the chance. I’m signed up to the 2015 Reread Challenge, and so far I’m failing spectacularly. Must. Do. Better.

If I had the joy of winning the lottery and reading every day instead of working, here are some childhood favourites I’d like to revisit…

TTT Children's Favourites

1. Harry Potter: Do I need a reason? Really?

2. The Switchers TrilogyI was around 10 or so when I read these, and I’ve never actually finished the trilogy. Tess is a switcher, which means she can take the form of any animal, but she must decide which form she will take forever by her 15th Birthday. Adventures ensue.

3. The Children of the Famine TrilogyI think I’ve only read the first two in this series. Little-me was an awful series-finisher, apparently. I read this when I was learning about the famine in primary school and I loved this story – three children seek out their long-lost Aunts during the famine in Ireland in 1840 so they don’t have to go into the workhouse.

4. The Princess Diaries SeriesI started reading The Princess Diaries when I was 12 or so, and I adored this series! I owned all 10 of the books, but sadly these were some of the books I purged when I hit the “I’m too old for these now” phase. How I wish I had have kept them! Normal-geekish girl finds out she’s actually a princess, and still has to face the trials and tribulations of high school.

5. The Malory Towers SeriesA series I turned my nose up at for a long time due to its age (I think it was originally released in the 60s?), and teen-me was having none of that! Once I started though, I was hooked. An all girls boarding school, bullies, adventures and drama!

TTT Children's Favourites 2

6. The Mediator SeriesAnother Cabot series I read and loved as a young teen – I owned close to all of this series, but alas it was another one I got rid of years ago (which partly explains why I’m such a hoarder now!). I am still dying to know what happens at the end, and if I ever see these at a great price, I’m snapping them up!

7. The Girls SeriesI adored Jacqueline Wilson books when I was growing up, but I don’t know if there are many of them I would revisit now as an adult. The Girls series was Wilson’s YA series as opposed to children’s and I think the storyline would still be relevant today. I have a signed copy of the fourth book, and because of that I never purged these. Thank, God!

8. His Dark Materials TrilogyAnother series I never did manage to finish, but would love to read as an adult. Even when I read these as a kid, I knew I’d have more appreciation for them as a grown up because there are some seriously heavier themes going on here.

9. The Adrian Mole SeriesI’m not sure if this is a YA series that progresses into an Adult series, or if the entire series was originally intended for Adults, but I started this one quite young. Yet another one I have yet to finish, but I’d absolutely love to. I was addicted to reading this repeatedly when I was younger.

10. The Bar Code Tattoo TrilogyAn amazing dystopian read, and I would LOVE to get my hands on book 2 and 3 to find out what happens. Luckily, I still have my original copy of the first book. I think I need to treat myself soon…

Which books from your childhood would you like to revisit? Have you read any that made my list? Let me know in the comments!

About Rachel

Avid reader & #bookblogger. Lover of all things business. A fan of drinks & dancing. Ever optimistic. Feminist.

33 Responses

  1. Adrian Mole, I adored those books when I was younger, my nan gave me the most battered copies to read because they were my dad’s and I still have them. I think I only read the first couple of books, because they were the only ones i owned. I would love to read them again too. I obviously loved all of Meg Cabot’s books, there is a new book being released for both The Mediator series and The Princess Diaries next year I think, so I need to reread both just for nostalgia’s sake. I, like you, purged a lot of my childhood books and I now completely regret it. And the Girl series, that was a series I loved, I even remember Jacqueline Wilson coming to out school, I didn’t get to see her, though, because I was in a music lesson at the time.

    Your entire list is just a list of nostalgia for me, I love it 🙂


  2. I remember when I read The Golden Compass for the first time when I was older and it was VERY different from what I remember it being when I first read it when I was younger…it’s actually a pretty deep and thought-provoking trilogy that I definitely could not completely understand when I was in elementary school! Funny how a story changes in your eyes depending on when you read it!


  3. Brandie

    GAH, how is it that I didn’t read any of these growing up?! Maybe because I’m way old compared to you. 😉 I love Meg Cabot, but have only read her adult books.

    I was all about RL Stine Fear Street, Babysitter Club, Sweet Valley High, etc…

    I really wish I was a re-reader. I need more reading time!


  4. Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook

    I read His Dark Materials as an adult (I was in graduate school) and I loved it. I think there is a lot to love about those books as an adult.


  5. What a fun list! My daughter loved The Mediator series too, and I like your Princess Diaries cover! Thanks for sharing your flashback favorites 🙂


      1. Book Club Babe

        Lol I was just surprised! Usually the UK has awesome book covers–those not so much! Haha! And yes, you must finish it! It’s so amazing!


  6. YES to the Mediator series and Princess Diaries series! Cabot’s actually writing adult additions to each series, so it’s my goal to reread all of them before they are released! I know you can find paperbacks of some of the Princess Diaries books on Book Outlet for a good price!


  7. Oh my gosh, Adrian Mole!! How the heck did I forget about those books! I loved them when I was a kid 😀 I remember trying the Princess Diaries, and really enjoyed them, too. Ooh, ooh, and Mallory Towers!! Gahh, I forgot so many books *sobs.* Fab list, Rachel, and thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! x


  8. Ula

    Rowling and Pullman are awesome, loved their books to pieces! I haven’t read the rest but I have heard of some before. Mostly we didn’t have them here when I was a kid, maybe we still do not. I do know we have Enid Blyton because I read her 50 times XD


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