Top Ten Tuesday – My Summer TBR List

Top Ten Tuesday Books on My Summer TBR

Top Ten Books on My Summer TBR List

I don’t get a “summer” anymore. Of course, I get the season of Summer, if you can call it that here in Ireland, but I don’t get a full-on summer break because I’m an adult now with a full-time job *boo, hiss* so I don’t expect to be able to do any more reading than normal *sigh*. 

For this week’s TTT, I’ve made a TBR list of books due out over the summer that I’d like to read. It’s pretty ambitious, but I’d like to get to these at some point. If you would rather see a list of “summer reads”, you can check out my Top Ten Books for the Beach Bag.

Summer Reads Rainbow

1. The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin: OK, so this is the third and last book in the Mara Dyer trilogy due for release November 2014, which means I’ll have to read The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer and The Retribution of Mara Dyer first… so technically, those are my summer reads. This series is one that pops up on the blogosphere every now and then, and I’ve pretty much avoided reviews so I don’t spoil it for myself, from what I can gather Mara Dyer wakes up in a hospital with no idea how she got there, there is a love interest, and a lot of mystery. That’s it. That’s all I know.

Oh, that and the covers are delicious.

2. Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire: I was a big fan of Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire, and have the companion novel, Walking Disaster, patiently waiting for me to read, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I’m really looking forward to reading more of Jamie’s books, especially when they are based on the Maddox brothers.

I was a little worried that another series about these guys would be overkill, but Brandie over at Brandie is a Book Junkie has hinted that Beautiful Oblivion is a really good read. Due for release July 2014.

3. Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover: I ADORED Maybe Someday, which was my first Colleen Hoover read, and I really want to read more of her books. If only all NA could be this good. I’ve heard great things about another of her novels, Slammed, but considering the topic this week, I’ll include her newest book release, Ugly Love, – “Never ask about the past and don’t expect a future. Hearts get infiltrated. Promises get broken. Rules get shattered. Love gets ugly”. Well now, doesn’t that sound pretty intriguing? Due for release August 2014.

4. Landline by Rainbow Rowell: I’m super late to the Rowell Train and haven’t read any of her books yet. I have Eleanor and Park on my Kindle and I am looking forward to reading Attachments, but her latest release, Landlines, is due out July 2014.

I’ve heard so many good things about Rowell’s writing and I’m really looking forward to all of these. From the description on Goodreads, her books remind me of Cecelia Ahern‘s writing style (author of P.S I Love You), which I really enjoy.

5. The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith (aka J K Rowling): I’m about halfway through the first book in this series, The Cuckoo’s Calling, featuring Detective Cormoran Strike and his assistant Robin (or is it Robyn??). So far, I’m really enjoying it. I haven’t been able to bring myself to finish The Casual Vacancy yet (because that storyline, really?!) but I will be finishing The Cuckoo’s Calling and hopefully moving on to The Silkworm by the summer. I won’t lie, I probably wouldn’t have been as quick to pick up this series before I knew it was by Rowling. It’s just great seeing her unique writing style in print again. Due for release June 2014.

6. The King’s Curse by Phillipa Gregory: ERMAGAHD, I’m SO excited for this! I fell in love with The White Queen BBC TV series and immediately purchased the series on DVD and the books the series was based on by Phillipa Gregory. I devoured all five of them in record time (The Book People do the first four for £6.99) and then watched the entire The Tudors TV series as well (Jonathan Rhys Meyers? Yum, by the way). I haven’t read any other historical fiction about this era, I think I’m afraid of ruining my love for this series? So, if you have any amazing historical fiction recommendations, please let me know in the comments! I’m really looking forward to book 6 in this series, my only problem now of course is that I’m a re-reader. I re-read the series to-date before starting a new release. That’s five whole books people! I need to start reading stand-alones…

7. Shopaholic to the Stars by Sophie Kinsella: Due for release September 2014 (that counts as the end of summer!), the Shopaholic series continues with Becky, Luke, and their daughter Minnie in LA, where Becky has big dreams of becoming a personal stylist to the stars. I’ve really enjoyed the other Shopaholic titles I’ve read so far (I haven’t read them all), they’re light-reads; fun, humorous and perfect for the summer. I’m hoping I can overcome my bookish OCD for this one, I don’t know how I’m going to fit in this many re-reads for new releases!

8. Love, Lipstick and Lies by Katie Price: “Raise your hand if you have a guilty pleasure?!” Oh good, me too. Katie Price (aka Jordan) is a UK celebrity who has done everything from Page 3 modelling, to Mother of the Year, to attempting to sing for the Eurovision, to having a reality TV show. You name it, she’s done it. Her story has always intrigued me and I’ve read her previous auto-biographies (she seems to have one out every 2-3 years) and can’t wait to get my hands on this one. She’s brutally honest, fiercely independent, and doesn’t hold back or dilute her opinions for anyone. I agree and disagree with her in equal measure, I love her attitude and hate her attitude at the same time, I’ve cheered with her, laughed at her, and sympathised with her in the past three years alone. This should be an interesting read. Due for release June 2014.

9. Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas: Due for release in September 2014, Heir of Fire is the third book in the Throne of Glass series. Yet another series that I haven’t technically started yet but would like to read this summer. The hype surrounding the Throne of Glass series at the minute is crazy, so it’s probably better I give this a little while for the dust to settle before I read it? I think I’ll struggle with this as it is without the Hype Monster getting the better of me too. Fantasy, especially high fantasy or anything remotely similar, isn’t a genre I tend to go for, and I’m almost petrified of this book. What if everyone in the world loves it and I don’t?! Even the description on Goodreads makes my head spin.

10. Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo: You guessed it! Another series I haven’t started yet! My TBR pile is weighing me down, but give me a break, I’ve only been back in the game for three months and clearly have my work cut out for me! Ruin and Rising is the third book in The Grisha series and I’m seriously debating even starting this one. I think this will be a library loan until I can determine if I actually need to own it. I’ve seen it in the blogopshere, which is how it got my attention, but from the blurb alone it isn’t something I would normally pick up without being recommended it. Hmmm, we’ll see if I get to this one.

Which books are you looking forward to this summer? Are there any on my list you would highly recommend? Let me know what you think!

About Rachel

Avid reader & #bookblogger. Lover of all things business. A fan of drinks & dancing. Ever optimistic. Feminist.

64 Responses

  1. I just read Throne of Glass so I’m excited to read the next two and I already have Heir of Fire so win! And Landline is a must read for me as well. I love Rowell’s stuff.

    Great list.


  2. I’m the same with you on the Rowell train! I have a copy of Fangirl just dying to be read, but haven’t gotten to it yet. I just bought the first Mara Dyer book, so I’m hoping to enjoy that series. Awesome list! Hope you find some new series to love!


  3. Elen @ A World of Reviews

    So many of the books on your list are on my TBR too! I had no idea that there was a new Philippa Gregory book coming out, so I really need to catch up with the most recent books. I finished The Cuckoo’s Calling recently, and I’m looking forward to reading The Silkworm when it’s released.


      1. Elen @ A World of Reviews

        I still need to catch up with the tv show – so far, I’ve only watched the first episode. Is the other Philippa Gregory series Order of Darkness? I’ve read the first one, Changeling, and I enjoyed it. I need to catch up with that series too! Yeah, I really like the twist that she puts on history.

        It’s worth finishing The Cuckoo’s Calling – I had no idea who the murderer was!


      2. Elen @ A World of Reviews

        I’ll definitely have to have a look for that documentary. I think The Tudor Court was the first series of books I read by her.
        I’m terribly at figuring out the murderer in mysteries – I barely ever get it right.


      3. Elen @ A World of Reviews

        I think it’s worth the read, especially The Other Boleyn Girl. I rather her newer series though.

        I do exactly the same – anytime anybody does anything suspicious, I just decide that they’re the murderer.


  4. I am looking forward to The Retribution and Beautiful Oblivion. I really like the Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, which makes it all the more sad that I never read the Evolution. I have to now that the next one is coming out soon! Also, I wasn’t a huge fan of Walking Disaster, but I was definitely interested enough to know what happens with the characters.

    Great list! 🙂


  5. Heir of Fire! Yes, please. I just finished Crown of Midnight and am really impressed with Sarah J. Maas’s series. And I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who hasn’t read the Mara Dyer series yet. Great list and happy reading.
    My TTT


      1. I read Throne of Glass way back and gave it four stars, had to reread it before diving into the sequel and enjoyed it even more the second time around. The second book Crown of Midnight is an utter whirlwind, not an exaggeration. The series has more layers than the first book would imply which just makes me smile at the possibilities awaiting me in Heir of Fire.


      2. I rather liked your pithy title. Just between you and me I think the Throne if Glass series is better than the others you’ve named. I only got through the first book with them.


  6. Brandie

    First of all- thank you for the shout out!! 😉 I do think you’ll love Beautiful Oblivion. I really enjoyed it.

    I love your list! You know how much I adore Colleen Hoover – so of course her new book is at the top of my list. And Landline, too. Can’t wait for that one! I hope you read more of RR’s books – they are so good.

    I loved the first Mara Dyer book but then didn’t continue with the series. I really hate when the books in a series have release dates spread out in years. It’s so frustrating to me, and because of that reason, I lost interest in finishing them. Maybe I’ll pick them up some day.

    I’m going to look into the rest of the books on your list – some I’ve never heard of. They look good!

    Happy reading – I hope you get to read them all. I know what you mean about work getting in the way. It sucks being an adult sometimes!


      1. Brandie

        That’s how I’ve started doing things – wait until I know an entire series is released before starting. I have been burned too many times before by not waiting. I was so glad Fifty and Twilight were all out by the time I finally read them!

        I know what you mean – I have great plans to read certain books but I’ll be lucky to read half of the ones on my list. It’s just fun making the list, even though my mood will most likely change in a week. 🙂


  7. I’m stepping into my adulthood tomorrow with sending out my resumes, omg someone kill me hahaha 😀 being adult sucks sometimes.
    Good picks! I totally forgot about Mara, it’s being postponed like a boss… I have to read JKR’s new books too, getting them off my cousin soon ;D Cannot wait. And yay for HoF! I didn’t put it on mine because I’ll get it in fall but I’ll be on it before it can hit the bottom of the mailbox.

    Happy reading!


  8. Jessica

    I still have to finish the Crown of Midnight, but so far I really like the series. I’d be nice though if all of the books were already out. It’s going to suck having to wait for all of them. Great list though. 🙂


  9. Great picks! I just pre-ordered Ugly Love and I can’t wait to get my hands on it, it looks sooooo good! I also love the premise of Landline, so intriguing and definitely not one I have heard before. I hope you love ’em all when you get to them 🙂


  10. Rachael at The End of the Chapter

    I need to read the Mara Dyer books! Also, I was not aware that Rowling had another book coming out! I have to get Silkworm when it releases 😀


      1. Rachael at The End of the Chapter

        Ugh! Jealous! Sometimes Target has signed copies here, but I try not to pay full price for books if I buy them at all.


      2. Rachael at The End of the Chapter

        Yeah I missed out on the big yearly book convention in my area, so I didn’t get to meet any authors. Maybe next year!


  11. Oh my, that IS rather ambitious of you because it means reading several entire series and no summer break in which to read them! Don’t worry know, almost every blogger knows the pain of having a bazillion books on their tbr and not having nearly enough time to read them.

    Okay so, the Throne of Glass series and the Grisha trilogy and MUST reads, even if high fantasy isn’t really your thing. Because I’m pretty sure they can and would be enjoyed by most readers of the YA genre. I promise you that they are both compulsively readable and have many great and memorable characters. For the Throne of Glass series, you should start with the prequel novellas.

    I’m still waiting for my copy of The Silkworm to arrive in the mail (ditto Ruin and Rising)! But yeah, it’s so not my usual kind of read either, but I found myself really enjoying The Cuckoo’s Calling because Jo is such a good writer. And I realize I’m in the minority in this opinion, but I actually love The Casual Vacancy even more! That book just had a huge impact on me.

    Anyways, I hope you make some good headway on your list this summer. And I hope you enjoy all the books you read! Thanks for taking the time to leave me such an epic comment earlier.


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