Confess by Colleen Hoover Cover Reveal

Confess Cover Reveal

ASDFGHJKL; What is life right now?! I can’t even!

I’ve only read two Colleen Hoover books so far, Maybe Someday and Ugly Love, and I am crazy in love with this woman. I love her writing style, I love her characters, I love these ideas and story-lines she thinks up, and most of all I adore her originality! Maybe Someday with its custom soundtrack was an amazing mixed media and reading experience, and now? Now, she’s only going and doing it again!

Confess features real anonymous reader confessions that the main character, Owen, uses as his inspiration to create works of art. In the novel, these confessions are provided by visitors to his art gallery, but Hoover has only gone and hooked up with a London-based artist (Danny O’Connor) and commissioned him to actually create the works of art, which will be featured in the book. I’m dying.

The book isn’t released until March (sob!), so I’ll hopefully read some more of Hoover’s back-list in the meantime. But this ladies and gents, is one that will for definite be a pre-order!!

Side note – I also love this woman for her Facebook page (which brightens my day when I’m in work), and her amazing personality. When I realised I was a fully fledged CoHo fan (after just two books) I went hunting for some interviews and YouTube vids!

About Rachel

Avid reader & #bookblogger. Lover of all things business. A fan of drinks & dancing. Ever optimistic. Feminist.

15 Responses

  1. Cait

    I have read NOTHING by her. And everywhere I go, bloggers absolutely rave, so…so why haven’t I picked up one of her awesome books yet?! Gah. It’s getting pushed up my to-do list for sure. XD
    Thanks for stopping by @ Notebook Sisters!


  2. Maybe Someday was amazing. I listened on audio and then played the songs whenever they came up in the book. It was such a fun format. I haven’t heard anything about Confess until now but it sounds like it will be another great experience! I just love how she is pushing the boundaries and experimenting with new formats. Can’t wait 🙂


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