Top Ten Tuesday – Books I’d Rather Be Reading Right Now

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Books I’d Rather Be Reading Right Now Instead Of Writing This Never Ending Dissertation…

Well, the post title I went with was a little catchier. Typical for me that I make a big commitment to posting more often on the blog, and have some great ideas for posts, the same month my dissertation is due. Le sigh. Not long to go now though! 😀 Seeing as I can’t actually read these books just yet, I’ll drool over them here instead.

1. This Girl by Colleen Hoover: I’ve read Slammed and Point of Retreat, but I’ve yet to review both on this blog… I’m really enjoying the series so far, and I’m excited to see what CoHo does with the third book. I don’t think I’ve read a contemporary trilogy before, and if I have it was a long time ago. It’s either incredibly smart, or brave, or both…

2. Us by David Nicholls: I have SO many books waiting to be devoured on my TBR, but this was a recent addition and I’ve heard so many good things about it. I managed to get a gorgeous hardback copy for £3.50, and I’d like to read it right now, thank you very much.

3. The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson: After seeing BookTube and Stef rave about I’ll Give You The Sun, I finally gave in and bought a copy. Then I won a copy of The Sky Is Everywhere, which I’ve also heard rave reviews about, and I’m reading it for a Babes and Books review, but… I. Just. Can’t. Read. It. Yet.

4. Never Never Part 2 by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher: I don’t even know how it happened, but I completely overlooked the release date for the second instalment of this mind-bending read. Must. Stay. Strong.

5. It’s Not Me, It’s You by Mhairi McFarlane: I’d been eye-balling this book for a couple of weeks at the local supermarket, and read an amazing review on-line (I forget where, sorry!), which pushed me over the edge and I just knew I had to have this in my life. I’ve a good feeling about this one. And I’d love some light-hearted humour right now!

6. More Balls Than Most by Lara Morgan: This is the next book in my personal development binge, after really enjoying The Good Psychopath’s Guide To Success. I’m getting back into these reads in a big way, so expect more of them on the blog! 

7. The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger: Let’s not even discuss my abysmal performance so far this year in my Reread Challenge… OK, fine, we will. It’s the middle of May, and I’ve reread one book so far instead of five. One book! I need to be more dedicated to the cause.

8. The Girl With All The Gifts by M R Carey: I picked this up as an eBook for 99p but never got around to reading it. Then I read some pretty intriguing reviews, and spotted a physical copy for £1.99… So I may have impulse bought it, in a little book splurge from me, to me… Let’s just say my haul for Stacking the Shelves will be interesting this month…

9. The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kid: I’ve heard of this book a lot, but was never really compelled to pick it up… Until it was on offer for £1.99 and I read the blurb. After reading (and loving) To Kill A Mockingbird, I thought this book seemed like it tackles similar topics – set in the Deep South, slavery, prejudice. Sounds promising.

10. The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon: Another pick I’m going to blame on the bookpushing BookTubers… That and all these books I got for £1.99 were actually part of a 6 for £10 deal at The Works, with 25% off, free delivery, and 18% cash-back. Don’t look at me like that. It’s practically books for free, people.

It’s 12.18AM, and I have work in the morning, so I’m hoping you can forgive the temporary lack of images… I will update this when I get home tomorrow evening, because I really don’t like posting TTT’s without them! Have you read any of these books? Which one should I delve straight into at the weekend?? Don’t forget to link me to your post in the comments!

About Rachel

Avid reader & #bookblogger. Lover of all things business. A fan of drinks & dancing. Ever optimistic. Feminist.

39 Responses

  1. At least you have a plan for some great books to read when your dissertation is turned in! Looks like a great mix of books. This Girl wasn’t my favorite, but I’d read it anyway to complete the trilogy. I bought Never Never part two so I can read part one and two back to back. Hang in there, and happy reading! 🙂


  2. Firstly best of luck with your dissertation, hope it goes well and you can celebrate when you’re finished it.
    I expect all of the books will be good, the only one I have read is ‘The Time Travellers Wife’, which as you will know is fantastic.
    Hope you weren’t too tired this morning.
    Amanda. x


  3. Brandie

    You have to read Never Never Part Two ASAP. It’s short and will only take you less than two hours to get through, but it is SO GOOD.

    I keep putting off The Sky is Everywhere until I know you’re going to pick it up, too. I’ve heard it’s the best book everywhere and I’m excited to try it. 🙂


      1. Brandie

        Lol, you need to read it this weekend. Take a break from your schooling and stress and just sit down and give yourself 2 hours free time. I promise that’s all the longer it’ll take you to read it. Because I know you are a fast reader, probably take you less than that! It’s a novella, so it’s short. There is a part 3. This one gives answers and ends better than the first one. But it’s SO GOOD, OMG! I feel bad for CoHo. She’s getting so much grief on these books being novellas because her contract wouldn’t allow her to release it as a full length novel. But all 3 of them together will make a full length novel. People are being jerks. In my opinion, if you don’t like it, wait until all 3 are out – don’t bash an author because of it. I WILL CUT A B FOR DISSING COHO.


      2. Brandie

        Right? People are ridiculous. She stated that once they are are all available (now she was talking eBook versions), all together they cost the same as one of her full length novels. So she’s not trying to rip people off and this was the only way she could collaborate with Tarryn. I’ll take ANYTHING extra she wants to write in a year! I read every blog post, every Facebook post. If she wrote on a cereal box, I’d read it!


      1. Carol

        Enjoy the sense of relief and a bit of advice…DO NOT READ IT AFTER YOU HAND IT IN! It’s just asking for trouble!


  4. I think you may have just convinced me to buy a couple of books. I don’t know how you managed it, but I’ve been eyeing up The Girl with all the Gifts and It’s Not Me It’s You for a few weeks and been dithering about unsure whether or not to buy, and I’m thinking screw it why not?

    I know how you feel though, a few years back when I was doing my dissertation I could have found a billion other things I’d rather be doing, until eventually I just had to lock myself in my room and avoid the internet. I hope it goes well for you, and just remember, the books will still be there once you’ve finished 🙂


  5. I have The Girl With All the Gifts on my TBR too, and I keep eyeballing it every morning as I’m getting ready for work…which is telling me that I need to pick it up sooner rather than later! The Sky is Everywhere is AMAZING and I loved it. Good luck with finishing your dissertation!


  6. I have so many books I’d rather be reading now rather than all the other stuff I’ve been doing this month! Way too much stuff going on 😛 I have very high hopes for June though! I will read ALL THE BOOKS 🙂 Bests of luck on your dissertation and I hope you enjoy these books when you’re done!


  7. This is an interesting list, Rachel. With all the review books that I’ve got going in the last few weeks, I can probably come up with ten books I’d rather be reading as well. lol.


  8. Good luck with your dissertation. Just think of all the books you can enjoy guilt-free when you are done 🙂
    I loved The Sky is Everywhere, and the others look amazing!


  9. The Girl With All The Gifts is so so good! (Here’s my review ;))

    What are you studying and what is your dissertation about? Enjoy it while you can. I wrote mine 10 years ago now, and i wish i could go back and do it all again. I keep thinking about epanding mine and making it into a book…

    My TTT


  10. Hope the dissertation is going well 🙂

    I really want to read “The Invention of Wings” and “The Bone Season.” My (the store where I work) book club is reading “Invention” for July, so I hope to have finished it by then!!!

    Loved your list title 🙂 all of my book related posts could be subtitled “want to read/was reading when I should have been doing____________”

    My TTT:


  11. You should read The Sky is Everywhere orrrrr if you havent I’ll Give You The Sun! What a lovely good, Jandy Nelson writes amazing stories 🙂 Anyway, I hope you can read any of these books soon, good luck on your dissertation!


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