Top Ten Tuesday – Recent Best and Worst

Top Ten Tuesday Best and Worst Recent Reads

Top Ten Seven Best and Worst Recent Reads

It has been a LONG time since I’ve done a TTT post, but I felt I actually wanted to talk about this week’s topic, so here I am joining in! For a while, I rarely read a book I didn’t enjoy, and I credit Book Blogging with this, as I was able to weed out the ones I knew weren’t for me. In 2016, I’ve been branching out of my comfort zone a little more, and sticking with some disappointing books to the bitter end, because I’ve wanted to write full reviews on them. This made it easier to put together the disappointing books, but I’ve had to go back to my reads towards the end of 2015 for the Best Reads. A lot of my reading lately has fallen in the 3* category, which means for the purposes of today’s post, they fit in neither the Best or Worst end of the spectrum. Yikes.

Recent Best Reads

1. November 9 by Colleen Hoover – Colleen always gets a mention with me somewhere. November 9 isn’t my favourite of CoHo’s books, but it was one I highly anticipated, and really enjoyed. It has everything a great romantic contemporary should – intrigue, swoons, romance, banter, and angst.

2. The Proposal by Tasmina Perry – A very random purchase for me, having never heard of the book or the author before, BUT I gave this one 5*. That’s huge. My 5* reads are as rare as unicorns. Dual historical/ contemporary timeline, romance, drama, betrayal and débutantes. Fab, fab, fab.

3. Only Ever Yours by Louise O’Neill – Insightful, gripping, and honest feminist fiction. While not “realistic” as set in a dystopian near-future, it is also creepily realistic in its portrayal of women and beauty standards, women and what society expects them to be, and how women relate to, and treat each other.

4. Asking For It by Louise O’Neill – Intense, sickening, brutal, and real feminist fiction, based on true events, that is a MUST READ for everyone regardless of age and gender. Blew my mind so much, I had to write a rant.

Recent Disappointing Reads

5. Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham – I’d never watched, read or seen anything created by Lena Dunham, but she was embedded in my subconsciousness, so I eagerly picked up her book expecting a feminist manifesto. Instead I got an absolute pile of drivel. Avoid, avoid, avoid.

6. Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee – I read and completely fell in LOVE with To Kill A Mockingbird, and setting aside the dubious conditions under which this “sequel” was published, it was a massive disappointment for me. Now, I don’t blame Lee for this in any way, after all it was really a first draft of what TKAMB eventually became, as opposed to an actual sequel (there are storyline inconsistencies that make this perfectly clear), and while it was nice to get an insight into the writing process, and the author’s process, Go Set A Watchman is like a behind the scenes documentary, as opposed to canon, and as a read, it was disappointing.

7. The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald – I’m on a mission to include more classics in my life, and Gatsby has quite the following, so I gave it a go. I’ve seen some beautiful quotes from this novel, and thought it would be a more “accessible” classic for me to try (also, I had to read it before I allowed myself to watch the movie adaptation with Di Caprio, so there’s that). It was accessible, and I didn’t totally dislike it, however, it wasn’t as good as I was expecting, and for that reason it was disappointing.

At a push, I could have included at least 3-4 more disappointing reads, but they would have fallen more into the “meh” category, where there may have been disappointing elements, but there were also elements that were redeemable. I’m more concerned that I haven’t read any really mind-blowing books so far this year! Feel free to leave me your best recommendations in the comments!

About Rachel

Avid reader & #bookblogger. Lover of all things business. A fan of drinks & dancing. Ever optimistic. Feminist.

10 Responses

  1. I had such strong reservations about Go Set a Watchman and when I started hearing rumors about it most likely being a very early version of To Kill a Mockingbird and not a sequel, I just got more angry at the people who took advantage of Ms. Lee and have avoided it like the plague.


  2. I’m intrigued by your likes and dislikes. I have had November 9 sat on my shelf for ages now, it’s ridiculous. Colleen Hoover is one of those authors I love whose books I always buy instantly and then put off reading. I don’t know why I do it. I keep moving the book up and down by TBR pile like a yoyo. It is going to be read soon. I haven’t read a book I didn’t like by her so I don’t know why I avoid it.

    I do like the sound of The Proposal as well (it may help that it makes me think of the film even though they are in no way similar). I may find that one out at the library some time soon. You also manage to make Louise O’Neill’s books sound really interesting. I keep thinking of reasons to not read them but maybe I’m inventing excuses to avoid a read that will be slightly uncomfortable but very interesting.


  3. I totally agree with you! I looooooove Colleen and whenever I talk about great books and great authors, Colleen always pops up! November 9 was amazing, but I think all her books are pretty amazing. I might have a crush on her though. 🙂


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