Hello? Can anyone hear me? #ABEA

ArmchairBEAI’m committing the deadliest of sins and double-posting today… I had a burst of inspiration earlier to post about #booksfortradeUK, and now I’ve just decided to join Armchair BEA. So I have no choice. Double posting it is!

Today’s topic is Social Media. I won’t lie – a big part of my day job is marketing and communications, so you’d think I’d have this part down, right? Hmm. Wrong. I spend a lot of time doing marketing, online marketing, digital marketing, etc. So when it comes to blogging, which is my hobby, I often find I just don’t have the energy to promote like crazy on social media.

I do have a Twitter, Facebook and Goodreads account, which are all updated pretty regularly. But I know if I wanted to I could probably do more. The thing is, I have a full time job, and a lot of the time I’m doing some sort of studying too, sometimes I even do a bit of freelancing (I manage about 5/6 business Facebook pages), and I need to actually fit in reading in order to blog about it, and then I have to actually do the blogging part. Occasionally, I even try to see my friends and family. Just so they know I’m still breathing.

After all of the above, keeping up-to-speed with social media for a hobby, can make it feel like a chore. I’ve never been fond of Twitter, I’ve always preferred Facebook. But a lot of Book Bloggers use Twitter, so I created an account. It’s really handy to get in touch with a specific blogger I want to chat to, and for putting out the odd update/crazy idea/rant. But I find the sheer number of updates to be impossible to keep up with!

As a marketer, I find Facebook to be better for one-to-one interaction. Yes, reaching your audience can take more work, but I find once you get there, the interactions tend to be more meaningful. With Twitter though, I can’t help but feel like I’m shouting into a void with 100,000,000 other voices shouting at the exact same time, hoping someone will hear me. That, and I never could communicate my point using 140 characters 😉

Check out my Amrchair BEA Introduction. Are you taking part in Armchair BEA? Link me up to your post!

About Rachel

Avid reader & #bookblogger. Lover of all things business. A fan of drinks & dancing. Ever optimistic. Feminist.

12 Responses

  1. You made me laugh so hard,( and nod my head furiously), with your comment: “I can’t help but feel like I’m shouting into a void with 100,000,000 other voices shouting at the exact same time, hoping someone will hear me. That, and I never could communicate my point using 140 characters ;)” SOOO TRUE! Twitter drives me crazy but it is a necessary evil!


  2. I’m a student from 7 am to 4 pm, but I don’t really get home until 5. Then I do some quick reading, squeeze in time for blogging, and then I do my mountains of homework. Yep, time management is extremely difficult.

    I actually prefer Twitter in terms of blog management. I didn’t put up a Facebook account for my blog anymore because honestly, as a blog reader I make “like” some blog pages but I just scroll through their posts. On Twitter, on the other hand, I read everything. But yes, it’s really hard to get your point across in just 140 characters! And if you split your tweet, people might miss an entire part of it!

    Aimee @ Deadly Darlings


  3. Brandie

    I just learned something new about you! I didn’t realize you freelanced. Very cool.

    You are too busy, lady! Sounds like you need a vacation…on a beach with a book and some wine. 😉


  4. Cait

    Agh, social media is awesome but confusing for me. xD I love twitter! I get on with it sooo well, except I usually miss my friends updates. AKA I follow too many weird accounts obviously, but when I started tweeting I did it ALL WRONG and embarrassingly did follow-for-follows. *hides in shame* But i’m doing better now!! Goodreads is my life though. Except I always forget to promo my blog. ahah. STILL. I TRY.


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