My “Celeb” Personality Counterparts

2015-Discussion-ChallengeWay back when Cait @ Paper Fury was still blogging as The Notebook Sisters she did a post about her Myers Briggs personality type. Being an avid psychology fan, and working in the corporate field for a good few years now, I’ve come across this before, and I’ve always found it to be ridiculously accurate.

For anyone who is interested this is a good link for taking the Myers Briggs personality test, and for anyone who is even more interested – I am an ENFJ.

Famous (or celebrity) ENFJs include:

  • Martin Luther King Jr
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Barrack Obama
  • Sheryl Sandberg (COO of Facebook and author of Lean In)
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • “Daenerys” from Game of Thrones

Looks like I’m in good company! So, why am I posting about this on my book blog?

Well, two reasons mainly. First of all, I am super interested in this kind of thing and thought I’d share it, and second of all, I wondered if my personality type affects my reading…

Interestingly, ENFJs are “supposed” to lean more towards non-fiction texts and books that explain how things work. While I do enjoy a non-fiction read from time-to-time (mostly for some form of personal development… or an autobiography) I definitely find my comfort from fictional reads, as I can be a bit of a dreamer, with an active imagination. While I do love my fictional and paranormal reads, I only really enjoy a contemporary if it is within the realms of possibility, and being such a “feely” personality type may explain why I love “issues” books so much.

When it comes to studying, ENFJs tend to jump right in to assignments without planning them out first (yep), and are more likely to skim read “boring” parts of text books (yep). They will also find it much easier to write a debate paper that involves emotional persuasion, over a scientific paper that relies solely on results and facts (yep!).

What about you? Have you ever worked out your personality type? If you do decide to give it a go – let me know in the comments!

About Rachel

Avid reader & #bookblogger. Lover of all things business. A fan of drinks & dancing. Ever optimistic. Feminist.

14 Responses

      1. Oh, of course! The two fictional ISFJs listed are Samwise Gamgee and Dr. John Watson – so I’m betting both fantasy and mysteries are peppered with ISFJs, and those are my favorite genres. Also, we have a proclivity toward perfectionism, which is probably why my reading thrives when I have a set TBR.


    1. I’ve taken it. I’m an ISFJ like Sarah above. And it’s so accurate when I read it! Which is exactly what I remember from the first time I took it, they just seem to nail it. And it explains why I love making lists and organising my blog. Plus it’s a personality full of contradictions which is a bit like my reading shelf! There is a bit of everything on it! 🙂


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