Review: Ugly Love

Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover Book Cover

Ugly Love by Colleen Hooverpublished August 2014 by Simon & Schuster.

Read: August 2014
Genre: New Adult/Romance/Contemporary
Source: Purchased
#Pages: 332
Get It Now: Wordery

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Goodreads Synopsis: An unforgettable love story that breaks all the rules. When Tate Collins finds airline pilot Miles Archer passed out in front of her apartment door, it is definitely not love at first sight. In fact, they wouldn’t even consider themselves friends. But what they do have is an undeniable mutual attraction. He doesn’t want love and she doesn’t have time for a relationship, but their chemistry cannot be ignored. Once their desires are out in the open, they realise they have the perfect set-up, as long as Tate can stick to two rules – never ask about the past and don’t expect a future. Tate convinces herself she’s OK with it, but soon realises that it’s harder than she thought. Will she be able to say no to her sexy pilot when he lives just next door?

The Review

Ugly Love Quote 2Oh. My. Word. I need to collect my thoughts for this one. I absolutely completely and totally adored this story and couldn’t put the book down. One of those books that you stay up until ridiculous o’clock to finish. While the present day story focuses on Miles and Tate, we also learn about Miles’ history through flashback chapters, and towards the end we even get a glimpse inside Miles’ head when the POV shifts. Excellently written and executed, this book had me laughing, swooning, crying and wishing there were enough Miles in the world for everyone.

It appears Colleen Hoover can do no wrong. I’m beginning to worship this woman. Before picking up Ugly Love, I’d only read one other Hoover book (Maybe Someday), which I really enjoyed and raved about in my review. I was a little afraid that her other novels would pale in comparison due to the very clever and highly successful use of the mixed media format in MS. I questioned if one of her books sans music would move me in the same way, or if the writing would fall flat. Fear not, loyal readers, Ugly Love is just as good as, if not better than, Maybe Someday.

Ugly Love Quote #1Colleen Hoover’s story-lines are so unique and intriguing. Where does she get her inspiration?! She is clearly the Queen of the New Adult genre. This book was quite the roller coaster ride! I was up, down, deliriously happy, depressed, shocked, desperate, angry etc. etc. There wasn’t as much “heat” in Maybe Someday, so I was (pleasantly) surprised by the sex scenes in this novel, and boy does Hoover know how to write them! Listen up, authors! This be’s how it’s done!!

Yes, there are certain (minor) things that bugged me about this novel, or more accurately certain things that could be considered negative, that evoked an emotional response from me. However, the fact that a book can do that means I need to sit up and pay attention. I’ve seen a couple of reviews call CoHo out for her lyrical writing style for Miles’ chapters. Well, sorry (not sorry) peoples, but I fricking LOVED that element of the book!

Oh, and Cait previously did a post on how you feel when a character has your name. This is one of the only times this has happened to me, so I guess it didn’t hurt that every time there was a swoon-worthy sentence, such as: “I’m going to fall in love with you, Rachel”, I was just like, “Sure! *sigh*”.

The Rating


I was going to go 4.5/5 for this novel because I struggle to give books the full 5/5. A full 5 to me represents the Harry Potter years – the anticipation, the perfect stories, the complex characters and relationships. But I honestly couldn’t give this book anything less and couldn’t pinpoint any real issues I had with it at all. Take your full 5 Colleen, just as you’ve taken my heart, and emotions and all the feels I’ll ever have!

Have you read Ugly Love? Please link me up to your reviews because this is one of those books I want to talk to people about! If you haven’t read it yet, what are you waiting for?!

About Rachel

Avid reader & #bookblogger. Lover of all things business. A fan of drinks & dancing. Ever optimistic. Feminist.

16 Responses

  1. Haha, you must have loved all of Miles chapters, what with all the wonderful things he said about you 😉

    I definitely am one of those people who didn’t enjoy Miles style very much. Less for the lyrical way it was written and more for how creepy/stalkerish he came across. He just didn’t always feel like a real character. But I did adore the book overall. Colleen Hoover can’t do anything wrong, none of her books have disappointed me.


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