Top Ten Tuesday – Characters I Want With Me On A Deserted Island

Top Ten Tuesday Characters I Want With Me On A Deserted Island

Top Ten Characters on my Deserted Island Dream Team

Before I can make my selections, I need to determine if this is a ship-wrecked scenario that requires essential life-skills, or some form of a paradise island that would therefore require brawn and eye-candy. I think I’ll opt for both.

Here come the Girls!

Katniss Everdeen1. Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games: Do you think anyone won’t have this chick on their list today?? She’s handy with a bow and arrow, able to scale trees and run like the wind and she’s also pretty resourceful when she needs to be, Katniss is definitely someone you’d want around when you get stuck on a deserted island. And it would probably help that she’s technically been stuck on a deserted island once before.

Hermione Granger2. Hermione Granger from Harry Potter: I could never put together a list of fictional characters I would want with me on a deserted island and not include my favourite fictional threesome, but especially Hermione. While Katniss can be kick-ass and all that, we wouldn’t actually have a lot in common, but put me on a deserted island with Granger and we’d have bookishly fabulous time. She’s practical, smart and stays cool in a crisis, and a spell or two from her would surely come in handy as well.

Isabelle Lightwood3. Isabelle Lightwood from The Mortal Instruments: Initially, I was surprised that I chose Isabelle over Clary, but I actually prefer book-Isabelle’s personality and no-nonsense attitude. She’s a Shadowhunter who is used to dealing with demons, vamps and things that go bump in the night, but she’s also very observant, excellent at strategy and would be able to keep everyone else in-check, while also figuring out a way to get us off the island. Then again, Clary could just make a portal…

Alice Cullen4. Alice Cullen from TwilightYes, I’m mentioning the book everyone loves to hate. I was actually really fond of Alice’s character. Her future-gazing skills were always pretty impressive, she was a really loyal friend to Bella and of course she’s incredibly kick-ass and vengeful (in the last movie she was anyways…).

Let’s Hear it for the Boys!

This is basically a list of the book boyfriends I would happily be deserted with for a very long time…

Damon Salvatore5. Damon Salvatore from The Vampire DiariesI’m cheating a little with this one, as I’ve watched the show but haven’t read the books, so I’m basing this choice on TV-show-Damon. I just finished watching season 5 this week, and there are no words. I can only hope the writers get their act together for season 6 (which is soo long away!), or I will not be a happy camper! Damon is definitely swoon-worthy; all that passion, I’d happily take a trip to a deserted island with him.

Four6. Four from DivergentWho didn’t get a little swoony over Four? He lost his appeal a little in Allegiant, but from the start of the series he was in charge, in control and took no prisoners. He would definitely be useful to have around on a deserted island, being brave and all, and if no one is in need of saving… well, he can stand there and look pretty.

Simon TMI7. Simon from The Mortal InstrumentsI didn’t really crush on book-Simon. I just happen to love movie-Simon. However, both Simon’s are hilariously funny, very loyal and highly entertaining. The sarcasm, the wit, the comedic timing. Simon would make any time spent of a deserted island a-laugh-a-minute, and if that Simon happened to be Robert Sheehan, then I won’t be complaining either.

Edward Cullen8. Edward Cullen from TwilightOK, fine, I’ll admit it. I began running out of ideas with this one. In this case, book-Edward is preferred to movie-Edward in terms of personality. But for some reason Robert Pattinson (from some angles) still seems damn attractive. Even as a sparkly vampire. He’s got super strength and speed, and he can “breathe” underwater. Surely they’re good enough reasons to have him around?

Fred and George Weasley9 & 10. Fred and George Weasley from Harry PotterMischief, jokes, games and entertainment would never be lacking with these two around. While they may not be there to oogle over (sorry to F&G fans!) they would definitely provide some much needed light relief from the stresses and strains of living it up on a deserted island.

Who are your top picks today? Did you do a theme? I struggled a bit with this one! Leave me a link to your TTT below 🙂

About Rachel

Avid reader & #bookblogger. Lover of all things business. A fan of drinks & dancing. Ever optimistic. Feminist.

36 Responses

  1. Nice yummy factor 😀 I actually enjoyed SImon from TMi, most of all the guys. I wished he’d be with Clary because they made sense.
    I see you picked Weasley’s too, great choice. Same on Hermione and Katniss. 😀
    Good picks!


  2. Fred and George would definitely provide a lot of amusement. And I think Isabelle would be pretty awesome to have around, she has much more fighting experience than Clary so I can’t fault you there.


  3. It’s funny that all of your choices have been made into movies so you were able to put a picture with the character! Great choices. I have to agree: Alice’s skills were pretty awesome and they’d definitely help out on the island.
    Can we just say we’d like to have Robert Sheehan on the island? We don’t even have to pretend we’d want it to be Simon. Just Robert Sheehan. 🙂


  4. I’d up picked Edward Cullen as well, because he’s very proficient in hunting game. I mean, I can only eat so much fish and coconut, so a little meat would definitely help!


  5. I had to dismiss Katniss for reasons you can read on my post. The season finale of TVD had a pretty LOST-ish ending with the regular seasons fading to black while one season faded to white (this is pretty much the same thing). We also know that the writing is so wishy washy with deaths that…well…they’ll probably find their way back probably ahahha.

    joey via. thoughts and afterthoughts


      1. There’s no wayyyyyyyy they can die, not yet anyways. It took six seasons to kill off Katherine. I doubt they’ll take out two important chars in 1 season only because they’re key pivotal figures in the whole possibility of becoming human again and/or losing their supernatural abilities (so the only thing I’m sad for is the house that elena burnt down..) Nothing is really sticking anymore with TVD, which is sad because if they actually had the gusto to kill off characters, it’d make for better television (even if I’d be initially sad).


  6. I loved Alice’s character so much more than any other Twilight character. She’s much more quirky and interesting to read about. And Damon! I didn’t think of him! Great choice 😉 (And that’s based on TV Damon too, I haven’t read the books.) Great list Rachel!


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